Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 6

Monday found Caspian delighted to welcome all of the regular daycare dogs back for play, naps in the sunshine and back for more play. Caspian is especially fond of a lovely lab/pit mix who is the same age and approximate size as him. They always greet each other with a play bow and the romping begins.

Caspian has two specific jobs now: first he spends part of every day in the concierge lounge greeting clients and keeping Laure and Christine company as they work. He works very hard at being guest service oriented. He offers tail wags and kisses to any client that he feels needs some special attention. Next he helps Christine organize all of the belongings, treats and food for the dogs who have checked in for overnight care. He follows her about as she puts belonging in each dogs storage space. He sits patiently as she post

He attended his first session of obedience class on Monday evening with his human friend from Daycare, Samantha. I was there to see him enter class, which he did with well-mannered attention to Samantha. He was initially very stimulated by the other dogs in the room. He maintained his composure fairly well until one of his old kennel mates from the Seattle Animal Shelter came into the room. Both dogs shared loud vocal greetings and tried to get closer to each other. Samantha took the time to redirect Caspian by asking him to watch her and sit for a treat. He responded to the request and was able to settle right down. This class was the first time that Caspian had been requested to be on leash and calm with a group of other dogs he did not know. He was initially pretty excited and eager to meet every dog and new person. He had to learn that in class not all dogs and even some people, are not open to meeting new dogs. He needed to take the time to read other dogs canine body language and then interpret how to behave. For the most part he handled this well and was able to display nice manners to other dogs and people. He is working hard to be a good ambassador for his breed, American Pit Bull Terrier.

The class itself was pretty hectic (very normal for a first session of basic obedience, most dogs have no idea what they should do) but Caspian was very good and worked well for Samantha. He finished class with sleeply eyes and returned to overnight playcare with dreams of becoming the best dog in class!

Have you been reading about Caspian and thinking that you would like to think about adopting him? Then contact the Seattle Animal Shelter and set up an appointment to meet him! He would be such a great addition to your life!!!

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